Printed Drawings
Part #001
Part #002
Part #003
Part #004
Printed Drawings
Printed Drawings

Artificial Intelligence - Architectural Theory 2017 -

Additional Credits: Rachel Chen

This is one of the worlds that AI might build in the near future. The geometry Is designed, based on a rule that was scripted in modeling software. But we cannot expect its infinite possibilities. There is no scale, no time scale, no gravity. When looking into a closer, people will see more detail and depth. They can never find the end and never tell the scale where they are. This world has many layers of worlds within itself.

Part #001
Part #001

Intelligence and artificial intelligence

The biggest difference between intelligence and artificial intelligence is the number of layers they have. Multiple intelligence will make another layer of intelligence that is called emergence intelligence. In nature, all of the intelligence is connected directly or indirectly. Any intelligence exists and behaves with other intelligence. But artificial intelligence (digital) has a very limited number of layers connected to one intelligence. It may represent the reason why our artificial design only has some simple geometrical features.

Part #002
Part #002
Part #003
Part #003
Part #004
Part #004